Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10 Seattle Architect 23.0.21418.4207 Update 1 + Rus

Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10
Added localization for version 1 Update!
Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle - is the fastest way to create and update data-intensive, highly interactive applications with visually rich user interface for Windows 10, Mac, mobile devices, IoT and other platforms using Object Pascal and C ++. A wide range of features support for Windows 10, including new VCL components for Windows 10 styles for VCL and FMX, as well as service UWP (universal platform Windows), such as notifications, allow you to easily and quickly transfer your application on Windows 10, retaining members. The new platform allows to support larger projects on more platforms with twice the amount of memory in the development environment, and twice the size of the supported projects. In addition, support for multiple monitors and dozens of new features development environment designed to accelerate the creation of the code will work as never effective. With RAD Studio 10, developers can create applications 5 times faster than with other tools, and application development for multiple desktop, mobile, cloud platforms, and database platforms, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10, Mac OS X, iOS and Android, will be even faster.
The task №1 for independent and corporate developers today is to support the fast-growing set of various Windows devices and Apple, types of user interfaces, OS versions and diverse form factors. To turn this into a competitive advantage, companies need to find a way to multiply the force repeatedly staff development departments, and by technological solutions. Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10 is thus "productivity multiplier" of developers, allowing fast and visual methods are literally put on stream creation of applications for Windows 8, Mac, .NET, Web, and mobile platforms. You get Delphi®, C ++ Builder®, Embarcadero Prism ™ and HTML5 Builder, so the speed of the development of at least 5 times, covering of Windows 8, Mac OS X with support for Retina displays and more. You can significantly reduce the time to market of new products, significant competitive advantages and promising areas of business through the development of multi-platform visual component-based, and with the ability to effectively communicate with different databases and cloud services.
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10 Seattle Architect 23 Update 1
Main features of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10:
  • The fastest way to 8. the Windows the Windows 8 is already available and opens up new opportunities for developers. Whether you are looking for application development tools for Windows 8 that will run on workstations and tablets x86, or want to stylize your existing applications under the Windows 8 with RAD Studio XE10 it will be easy.
  • Make a quick start with the project templates for Windows 8. Start developing applications for Windows it was not always easy. But you can easily start with one of the most popular project templates for Windows 8, including the following types: blank, grid and split pane. Your new application will include the fonts, colors, layout, gestures and full-screen mode, typical for Windows 8.
  • Create applications with support for touch. The Windows 8 is the next level in terms of support for touch applications. With RAD Studio you can add touch support to your applications with minimal effort for maximum comfort of PC users and tablet devices.
  • Full compliance with Windows 8. IDE RAD Studio XE10 IDE fully tested for compatibility with Windows 8, and you are using Delphi and C ++ Builder can create great applications that will run Windows 8 on the PC and tablet devices based on x86, such as Microsoft Surface Pro and Windows Slate processors Intel, Intel Atom and AMD.
  • Create a .NET Windows application 8 and WinRT Prism to Embarcadero. Embarcadero Prism XE10 in RAD Studio XE10 provides you with the fastest way to develop for Windows 8 WinRT via the full .NET-solutions. If you need to create applications for Windows 8 that will run on all Win 8 tablets, you can do it with Prism.
  • The simple styling of existing applications VCL and FireMonkey, in accordance with Windows 8. RAD Studio XE10 provides a simple and convenient technology to adapt your existing applications VCL and FireMonkey for Windows 8. It's really easy - stylized FireMonkey and VCL forms in accordance with Windows. Just right-click the "mouse" on the form and click «Convert to Metropolis UI» from the context menu. Properties form will automatically be set appropriately, and you have to choose which one to choose the style of Windows 8. Just correct size and location of existing controls - and the job is done.
  • Support Live Tile. Create interactive applications with support for Live Tile. Using the component you want and some simple steps you can add more interactivity for users of Windows 8 Enterprise, and, therefore, more closely match their requirements.
  • Platform application development FM2 FireMonkey. FireMonkey continues to increase its capacity and improve productivity, and its new version - FM2, a platform for developing business applications of new generation using the CPU / GPU. With it, developers can combine visual development techniques to the generation of high-performance "native" code to Windows, including Windows 8 and Mac OS X with a display Retina.
  • FireMonkey FM2 New features include:
    • "Anchors" and control layout
    • Support for «Fat finger» for tablet users
    • User Interfaces «Pixel perfect»
    • Styling nonclient area
    • Improved productivity and quality
    • New components FireMonkey
    • ActionLists and Actions will help you separate the business logic from the interface elements and improve the quality of your code in terms of re-use
    • Support Audio / Video, including the components of the playback control
    • A new component of type «grid»
  • LiveBindings Visual. LiveBindings is a technology linking the interface to users of the data. This powerful approach has become more affordable for use in the RAD Studio XE10 new service Visual LiveBindings. Now there is no need to write expressions or do manual coding. You can use most graphical diagram of connections and create new ones in visual mode.
  • It is easier and faster if you do visually. LiveBindings Designer makes it easier to do and, more importantly, create a clearer connection between the elements of the user interface and data. Associate data and properties simply drawing lines between objects. You can bind the properties of the two elements of the interface for their approval, or to realize the connection between the data and controls, but in any case you will see options to properties and fields and the operation visually, ie without coding.
  • View and manage contacts LiveBindings. Once you have created a connection LiveBindings, LiveBindings Designer can be used to control them. It is easy to get as a general diagram of connections and increase the individual sections for a detailed view.The LiveBindings Designer supports multiple layers, so you can organize the type of chart «Photoshop» with the ability to turn on / off layers, making them invisible to the filter as belonging to the various modules of the project.
  • Rapid prototyping and the transition to a real project. Now, more than ever easy was the process of prototyping connections for displaying the data in your application. The component provides you PrototypeBindSource model data in various formats.When you're ready to start using real data, just switch the connection to your database, and nothing more is required.
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10 Seattle Architect 23 Update 1
Changes in version XE10:
  • Integrated compilers and tool sets
    • New in version 10 Seattle! C ++ compiler 11 based on the architecture CLANG, for Win32 (bcc32c)
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Upgrading to version 3.3 CLANG and LLVM for Win64 and Win32
  • Application platform, integrated platform, the designers and the SDK
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Application Platform FMX, allowing you to create native-application for iOS 7.x and iOS 8.x, running on devices with ARMv7 architecture and 64-bit architecture ARM. Supports iOS 8.4.
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Application Platform FMX, allowing you to create native-application platform for Android ARMv7 Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3, 4.0.4), Jelly Bean (4.1, 4.2, 4.3), Kit Kat (4.4), and Lollipop (5.x). Supports Android 5.1.1.
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! VCL (Visual Component Library) to quickly create a 64-bit application for Windows 10, Windows 8.x and Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 and 2012.
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! VCL (Visual Component Library) to quickly create a 32-bit application for Windows 10, Windows 8.x and Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 and 2012.
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Support for Microsoft Windows SDK for API Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Supports the call of classic API Win32 / Win64 and API WinRT.
  • Application Platform fmx (FireMonkey)
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support tips for FireMonkey visual components on the PC are displayed when you hover the mouse
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Presentation Edit components and Memo in the "native" form for the Windows platform
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support for the Z-order elements FireMonkey for Windows
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Extended support Clipboard allows you to copy and paste bitmaps
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Touch animation for Android
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Applications FireMonkey can receive intentions regardless of source (email, web link, another application). This capability is demonstrated in a new example.
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! MultiView component to create a user interface that adapts to the form factor of the device, whether it is a mobile phone or tablet, and its orientation - landscape or portrait. Now added to the special support of the user interface of Windows 10.
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Features of TSwitch in the user interface of Windows 10
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Edit Items and Calendar can dynamically display the "native" element of the interface in iOS platform
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Platform components ListView for iOS
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Platform components ScrollBox for iOS
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Component Bluetooth LE (on platforms fully support this technology)
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Improved platform for Bluetooth and the Bluetooth component for the new classic Bluetooth connection
    • New in version 10 Seattle! The new class TBeaconDevice, turning the device on one of the supported platforms, "lighthouse"
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Component Notification Center notifications for applications iOS and Android, including sound notifications. Now also supports Windows notification 10
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Supported IFMXDragDropService use to transfer data to other applications in OS X
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Designer raster styles, including new templates to style Windows, Mac OS and Android Lollipop, as well as the ability to create blank styles for different platforms and different adjustment facilities under resolution graphics
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Integrated Designer styles and FireMonkey component TStyleBook improved to support the collection of styles for different platforms
    • New in version 10 Seattle! StyleViewer for the style of Windows 10 in the constructor raster styles
  • Visual Component Library (VCL)
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Object Inspector to set component properties and events
    • New in version 10 Seattle! High DPI resolution monitors and 4K, and support for multiple monitors in Windows 8.1 / 10 VCL-Application
    • New in version 10 Seattle! New customizable components VCL, which correspond to some of the new elements of the interface of Windows 10, and can be used in the previous version of Windows
    • New in version 10 Seattle! A new component VCL ActivityIndicator
    • New in version 10 Seattle! A new component VCL SearchBox
    • New in version 10 Seattle! A new component VCL RelativePanel
    • New in version 10 Seattle! A new component VCL ToggleSwitch
    • New in version 10 Seattle! A new component VCL SplitView
    • New in version 10 Seattle! The modern form of the function SelectDirectory
    • New in version 10 Seattle! VCL-style Windows 10 to create applications that meet the modern approach to the design of Microsoft
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Improvements styles VCL, including support for common styles of dialog boxes and components TWebBrowser
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Additional styles, including VCL-style TabletLight, Sky and Glow
  • Project support and built-in assembly
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Services Support the Android development environment, including a wizard to create services for Android and adding them to an existing Android application
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Deploying applications on the device iOS (debugging, special treatment, App Store). A number of improvements touched preparation iOS device to simplify deployments, including automatic set identifier
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Support for importing projects from Delphi versions from 1 to XE8 and from C ++ Builder versions 3 through XE8
  • The possibilities of language and work with runtime libraries
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support call API WinRT, more than 40 interface modules Object Pascal
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Supports Windows notification 10 by using the NotificationCenter
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support contracts - a mechanism for the exchange of information with other Windows applications 10 (applications can be a source of contracts) - through a new component SharingContract
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Library RTL Delphi and C ++ for OS X (improved exception handling OS X)
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Support the format of zip-files. Now TZipFile class supports callback used during extraction to determine progress
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Processing JSON (Object Notation JavaScript) by implementing JSON.NET streaming JSON with new modules read and write (including base classes and TJsonReader TJsonWriter)
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Specialized modules read and write JSON, including new classes and TJsonTextReader TJsonTextWriter, and support the expanded JSON
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support modules read and write binary JSON (BSON) within the same architecture JSON.NET (including new classes and TBsonReader TBsonWriter)
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Designers flexible methods of JSON and BSON, including classes and TJSONObjectBuilder TJSONArrayBuilder
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Quick unidirectional iterator JSON and BSON (TJSONIterator)
  • Private developer productivity
    • New in version 10 Seattle! The development environment is based on a scale model of addressing memory and provides significantly more memory for embedded compiler, integrated debugger and a variety of tools, running in IDE
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Recycled caching mechanism modular compiler frees the old units when available memory begins to overflow when compiling the groups consisting of several projects
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Enhanced support for multiple monitors in an IDE with the ability to place the majority of the forms and panels on a variety of additional monitors
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Ability to hide and display the components in the non-visual form designer (which prevents overloading the screen constructor)
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Icons structural representation of the respective component
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Automatic recovery of unsaved files - work periodically saved to a temporary location. In the case of improper shutdown (due to a system crash), the development environment will try to recover unsaved work User
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Advanced settings projects into the IDE makes it easy to implement support for High DPI applications
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Full customization of the form object inspector with the ability to hide the description, fast action and a new panel filter
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Content Object Inspector can be filtered, leaving only the necessary elements
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Keyboard shortcuts to increase and decrease the font in the code editor
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Library Manager GetIt to easily search, download and update the library source code, components, and other resources from servers Embarcadero GetIt. Expanded categories improved user interface and added new action
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Statistics project helps to track activity and accurately assess the performance of development teams
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! The history of operations with the clipboard contents of the registers of the previous operations of cutting and pasting, allowing inserting it again
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Support for multiple insertion allows you to perform the operation at the same time insert a few lines of source code
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Checking brackets, flow control and allocation of structural isolation
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Isolation flow control allows us to trace the sequence of transition for the code directly in the editor
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! The navigation bar at the top of the code editor includes fields with lists of classes and methods
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Intelligent key is now fully integrated
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Smart Search character
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Set new examples and demonstrations to help beginners and experienced developers to unlock the full capabilities of the medium
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support for parallel C ++ compilation
  • Source Code Management
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Subversion library to version 1.8.13 updated
  • Code optimization
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Synchronization prototypes - as soon as you change the prototype for a function, you can automatically synchronize sections of interface and implementation in accordance with the amended (only for language Object Pascal)
  • Integrated debugging
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Remote debugging of 64-bit system iOS on your device
  • The library of data access for different devices FireDAC
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Full support FireDAC database NoSQL MongoDB, including a new driver FireDAC MongoDB
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Classes wrapper API MongoDB, including TMongoConnection, TMongoDatabase, TMongoCollection other
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Teams MongoDB query, pipeline, update and other designers in flexible methods
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Datasets for MongoDB, including TFDMongoDataSet (binds the data set to the cursor MongoDB), TFDMongoQuery (queries the collection MongoDB) and TFDMongoPipeline (carries conveyors accessing the collection MongoDB)
  • The integrated unit testing
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Support Unit Testing DUnitX for mobile platforms (iOS and Android)
  • Multilevel DataSnap Applications
    • New in version 10 Seattle! Example of use of the component in FDSchemaAdapter DataSnap Applications
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! DataSnap support for access to data sets FireDAC and harmonize changes with difference sets (module FireDACJSONReflect), is now supported by data compression to optimize bandwidth
    • New in version 10 Seattle! DataSnap Client System.NET used for HTTP and HTTPS without the need to deploy client library OpenSLL
  • Support for cloud computing
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) API
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Amazon Queue Service API
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Amazon SimpleDB API
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! Now cloud libraries are supported by their own libraries for HTTP and HTTPS in System.Net
  • The client library and the rest BaaS
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! The modules read and write JSON is used in the client library BaaS
    • Enhanced in 10 Seattle! The modules read and write JSON is used in the client library REST
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE10 Seattle Architect 23 Update 1
RAD Studio XE10 Embarcadero Architect is designed for developers building traditional client / server applications, intensive interaction with databases and cloud services, as well as Web-based applications within the enterprise. RAD Studio Architect combines the technology of rapid development of applications with the capabilities of visual data modeling to help developers to design the most critical data structure in the corporate system. RAD Studio Architect includes everything that is in the wording of Enterprise, as well as powerful tools for modeling and database design:
  • Reverse engineering (reverse-engineer), the analysis and optimization of databases
  • Automatic code generation for creating databases based on models for the direct design (forward-engineering)
  • Create logical and physical models based on information from databases and script files
  • Generate clear and understandable charts with the possibility of easy navigation within
  • Advanced compare and merge with bidirectional process of comparing and merging structure models and databases
Note! Revision Seattle Architect is the most complete among the four (of 4 edition: Seattle Ultimate, Seattle Enterprise, Seattle Professional and Seattle Starter). The price for this edition varies from 5000 to infinity evergreen dollars, depending on the number of users. To verify this, you can examine the comparative table editors:
System requirements for RAD Studio XE10:
  • 1 GB RAM (we recommend 2 GB +)
  • 3-9 GB of free hard disk space depending on edition and configuration
  • Normal GPU with support for DirectX 9.0 or better (Pixel Shader Level 2)
  • Resolution 1024x768 or higher
  • Intel Pentium or compatible, at least 1.6 GHz (recommended 2GHz +)
  • Mouse or other pointing device
  • Operating system:
    • Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 (32 and 64 bit), administrator rights are required
    • Microsoft Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64 bit)
    • Microsoft Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)
    • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32 and 64 bit)
    • Microsoft Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit)
Control суммы : 
CRC32: 7AEA45B0 MD5: 57A80272E40C5373C88047F64A0FB3FE SHA-1: CD9FEB0FB69F8D1A21A4FC192CDF859A96D13384 

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